perm filename TEX[3,2]2 blob
sn#380738 filedate 1978-09-18 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
TEX is a new document compiler developed by D. E. Knuth here at the
lab. The standard version is obtainable by typing "r tex" to the monitor;
this version assumes to some extent that the very next thing
you type is "\input <file><CR>" (note that it's \ not /). This makes
TEX look at <file>.TEX on your area, or failing that to look at <file>.TEX
on system area [1,3]. Your output will be on <file>.XGP and it can be
spooled with "xs <file>/head/ntn=33"; omit "/head" if you don't want the
fine print atop each page telling you the date and time of spooling.
If you use other fonts besides the ones declared in the file basic.TEX[1,3],
TEX will expect to find .TFX files for them on the same area as the font.
These files can be generated using the TFXGEN program. Say "read tfx"
for more information. Important: This version of TEX has thirteen font
files preloaded, so any additional fonts should be assigned font codes
other than "@adfgjlmquxz?".
The user manual is A. I. Memo No. 317 ( = CS Report No. 675).
There's no on-line or line-printer version, but you might be able to
figure out how to read manual.tex[tex,dek].
The SAIL program contains extensive documentation about the implementation;
it's not merely "commented code". See file TEXSYS.SAI[tex,dek] and the
files it references.